Mwaiwathu Private Hospital Laboratory (MPHL) is committed to being a leader in providing quality and reliable diagnostic and therapeutic our testing and advisory services to its clients and patients. We seek to continually improve the quality of services for improved patient care by ensuring that all personnel involved in laboratory activities are familiar with the quality management system, implementation of the policies and procedures at all times. Our management and staff are committed to good professional practice, quality results and compliance with the Quality Management System based on ISO 15189 standards.
MPHL is a multi – disciplinary laboratory that adheres to strict quality assurance programs and constantly monitors its operationsto give fast, accurate and reliable results. Our modern state-of-the-art laboratory that is run by a team of highly trained and a dedicated professional gives results that are of international standard. This reduces the need for Malawians to travel abroad to gain access to accurate testing.
The Laboratory is open 24/7 and provides access to pathological investigations which range from the basic and routine to the sophisticated and highly specialised. We are linked to Pathcare in South Africa where we refer tests that cannot be offered locally as well as for peer comparison of results.
The Laboratory is currently applying for ISO 15189 accreditation.